Monthly Archives: November 2019

Why is corporate strength important?

For ateb, corporate strength is about more than money, if we are to offer the best services to our customers, we must be strong in other areas as well. That’s why ateb defines its corporate strength in terms of having a clear purpose, having the best governance, developing the right culture and having the right […]

Our latest edition of ‘ateb stories’ is now available

We are delighted to share with you our latest edition of ateb stories, the publication that reviews and evaluates our performance for the preceding year. This year’s ateb stories again highlights some of the great work we have undertaken and some of the areas we are prioritising for improvement. Our Chair David Birch commented “ateb […]

Meet the Buyer Event

NEW CONSTRUCTION & CONSULTANCY FRAMEWORKS ateb Group are holding a Meet the Buyer event to promote the opportunity to tender for a New Construction framework and a Construction Consultancy framework. We are looking to develop relationships with contractors and consultants for our new build programme for the next 3 years for both ateb and Mill […]