Monthly Archives: June 2020

We will continue to put our customers at the heart of everything we do

The impact of the Coivd-19 crisis continues to be felt across our customers, team, and partners and we need to prepare for how we deliver our services for the foreseeable future. ateb is fully committed to doing everything we can within the regulations and safety advice from Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, and other Health […]


With hundreds of ‘vulnerable’ customers on our list, and heading into week 11 of lockdown, the Welfare Team are in full flight. Receiving help from ateb staff across the company, including Property Services, the Maintenance Team, the Money Solutions Team, Customer Services & Communications as examples, we regularly call customers with a range of issues […]

Update: ateb’s 2020 Garden Competition

If you sent us entries and/or photos more than 30 days ago from today, & you didn’t receive an email from us today (04/06/20) regarding your entry, please send your entry details and photos again. Thank you very much. The Theme: Working strictly within the COVID-19 guidelines this year’s competition is all about make-do-and-mend. Bright, […]