Monthly Archives: October 2020

An update from ateb Groups’ Chief Executive

Hi, in these disrupted and difficult times we would like to assure you that the ateb group will continue to provide services and seek to create new ways to support the people and communities we serve in West Wales. This year has been like no other and has tested our collective resolve but we have […]

ateb’s Community Alarm Service 

“Your independence when you want it, HELP when you need it” Do you live in an ateb property? Are you living alone? Do you have mobility issues, a medical condition or an impairment that could make you vulnerable or at high risk of falls? If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the above, then why […]

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

ateb’s Customer Forums are now on line, connecting with you through a platform called Teams.  ateb will help you to connect with us through Teams, please just ask, even if you don’t have equipment. The next Customer Forum will be on Friday the 30th of October at 10:00 and will last for about 1.5 hours.  […]

E2i Co-ordination Group Session

The next on-line Co-ordination Group session will be on Tuesday the 13th of October at 10:00 & will last for about half an hour. We will look at the Estates Management improvement actions, set in March 2020, and get staff updates on how things are working out. Please contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 […]

COVID 19 Service Update

The impact of Coivd-19 continues to be felt and there is unlikely to be an end to restrictions for some time meaning we need to prepare for how we deliver our services to you during the Autumn and Winter months. Click here to see the letter that has gone out to our tenants.