Monthly Archives: January 2021

New automatic defibrillator installed in Pembroke

We are proud to announce in conjunction with the Welsh Heart Charity, we have installed a new automatic defibrillator at our Supported Living complex in Pembroke. This defibrillator will be available for the local community as well as customers living in our homes. Pete Cleary our Facilities Coordinator said: “Fitting defibrillators to all ateb’s supported […]

Practical Support Expectations

Throughout February, ateb will be asking you to put forward your opinions on what type of practical help you need to live more independently. This is your chance to tell us how you feel. Please see our Launch for more detail There is also the opportunity for you to enter our £100 gift vouchers prize […]

ateb Community Alarm Service

Do you live in an ateb property?  Are you living alone?  Do you have mobility issues, a medical condition or an impairment that could make you vulnerable or at high risk of falls?  If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the above, then why not have a Community Alarm installed? What is the Service?  Our […]