Monthly Archives: April 2021

Chwarae Teg Women’s Career Development Programme a hit!

With the Women’s Career Development Programme led by Chwarae Teg underway we thought we would catch up with a few of our team to see how they were finding it.  The programme was developed as a direct response to a body of evidence showing there is a clear need for positive measures to be taken […]

Survey Results #20 Vulnerabilities & The Pandemic

With upwards of 306 survey responses, E2i can now share the contribution you made towards our questionnaire, Vulnerabilities & The Pandemic, helping us to focus on priority service improvements, with your views at the heart of that decision making – here are the results If it matters to you, it matters to us Updated 23/04/21

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 29th of April 2021, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect you & your communities, so that we can […]

Survey Planning Group

The next on-line Survey Planning Group session will be on Wednesday the 14th of April 2021, 10:00 – 11:00. We will look at the results of the Practical Support Expectations survey and we’ll set up the next survey, Individual Experience, which will run throughout May & June. We will also be pulling the £100 prize […]