Monthly Archives: August 2021

Reflections from 2020 – Building new affordable homes for our communities

29 new homes built using recycled gift aid from Mill Bay Homes 3 year plan to increase our development programme 112 new homes completed in FY 20/21 It wasn’t quite the party we thought we would have in March, when we handed over our 3000th home to a new ateb customer. Since 1981 ateb has […]

ateb shortlisted for 2 ASCP Awards

We are delighted to have been shortlisted for two awards at the ASCP Safety & Compliance Awards 2021. Linzi Laugharne, Maintenance and Compliance Coordinator has been nominated for a ‘Rising Star Award’ which recognises team members for their hard work and dedication. The ASCP website describes it as “looking to reward a special individual who is making a […]

Your Universal Credit is changing 

Important Update! In April 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government added an extra £20 per week to Universal Credit payments, known as the UC Uplift. This uplift meant an extra £86.67 in the pockets of nearly 600 UC ateb customers every month. This number has grown throughout the pandemic to over 900, a 55% increase and now […]

Reflections from 2020 – WWCR Improving lives

327 customers given specialist advice and support 1398 adaptations made to customers homes Helping older people live independently in warm, safe, accessible homes It was the elderly and more vulnerable that have been of key concern during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our subsidiary West Wales Care & Repair (WWCR) work with this section of our community […]

Gardening Competition 2021 Results

Over 30 customers attended ateb’s annual Gardening Competition prize giving at Kensington Court last week (Thursday 12th August).  The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze as customers shared gardening tips, enjoyed beautifully presented cream teas, made new friends and caught up with each other after many lost months. Certificates, National Garden Centre […]

Reflections from 2020 – Supporting our communities

Over 5000 phone calls to check customer welfare during the first 2 months of lockdown 43 team members redeployed to support customer wellbeing New Community Development Team developed to help more people The impact of Covid-19 has and will have lasting impacts. At the outset, like many organisations, we tried to understand what more we […]

Survey Planning Group

The next on-line Survey Planning Group session will be on Tuesday the 10th of August 2021, 10:00 – 11:00. We will look at the results of the Customer Contact survey. We will also be pulling the £100 prize draw live at this session. ateb will help you to connect with us through Teams, if you’d like help, even if you don’t have equipment. These groups are […]

The Big Day Out 2021

Sadly, due to still being in the wake of the COVID pandemic, and especially during planning stages, ateb has had to cancel the Big Day Out this year.  Please watch this space for next year’s possibilities.  Also, we are always looking out for volunteer helpers for this event.  So, if you’re looking for something to […]

Reflections from 2020 – Mill Bay Homes

100% of gift aid put into ateb’s social housing and community projects Over £8m raised has been gift aided to date £2.6m gift aid raised in FY 20/21 It was 8 years ago that Mill Bay Homes was formed as a subsidiary of ateb Group. The aim of Mill Bay Homes was to build homes […]