Monthly Archives: January 2024

2024 ateb Group Rent Review: Letters should be with you soon.

Every year we review our rents and service charges to make sure we can deliver the best, value for money service that we can. Letters letting you know about next years rent have gone in the post today (Friday 26th January) and should be with you next week. Most people will see an increase in […]

New homes proposed for Llangwm – we’d love your views.

ateb are carrying out a Pre-Application Consultation for the construction of 67 new homes at Land Off The Kilns, Pembrokeshire. The new homes will be a mix of housing including semi-detached houses and detached and semi-detached bungalows. The development will be built in a series of cul-de-sac formations which utilises the gentle contours of the site.  […]


With upwards of 310 survey responses, e2i can now share the contribution you made towards our survey, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion helping us to focus on priority service improvements, with your views at the heart of that decision making – here are the results If it matters to you, it matters to us Published 23/01/24

Land purchased in Jameston

In the sunshine on Wednesday afternoon some of our Development team met with landowner Mr Thomas following the purchase of our new Jameston site from him on 21st December 2023.   The site, located opposite Bush Terrace, is part of a wider development of thirty eight new homes with ateb acquiring the land for eleven properties under the obligations of […]

Results & Improvements

These documents are letting you know about improvements & progress made by ateb, following what you told us in past surveys: Does ateb Listen to you? and Customer Engagement Review Contracted Works and Cleaning in Communal Areas   If it matters to you, it matters to us  Published 05/01/24

Third Sector Health & Wellbeing News for Pembrokeshire

There have been new articles added to the PAVS Third Sector Health & Wellbeing newsletter for Pembrokeshire. Click here to access the newsletter with full articles and live links. New articles include: Seasons Greetings from the PAVS Policy & Engagement team Christmas opening times of the Pembrokeshire Community Hub Keep Warm, Keep Well in Pembrokeshire […]