The Boys Did Well…Da Iawn Bois!

In August 2018 we launched a piece of work aimed at exploring how we implement our service delivery plan and our commitment to meeting customer expectations. In July 2019 the ‘Transforming Our Customer Services’ review was undertaken across the Customer Directorate which identified how we need to be resourced to meet our high expectations of Service Delivery. One outcome of the review was the restructuring of the Maintenance & Compliance Team to include a new Compliance Administration Team and expand our Electrical Services Team but at the same time, we lost one key member of staff and also had three apprentices in their final year of employment with ateb. At this point, it was clear that we should take our time and explore alternative team structures that would best help us deliver the right service outcomes, efficiently with great customer experience.

It was later proposed that we create a new Team Leader tier within the Maintenance & Compliance Team to include 2 x Maintenance and 1 x Heating and Plumbing Team Leader posts. This proposed structure would enable us to offer one of our outgoing apprentices a full-time post and to recruit team leaders from within the existing team without the need to increase the number of full-time employees. The thinking behind this structure, and the team leader tier specifically, was around providing opportunities internally and developing our people to have the right skills and experience for the future whilst at the same time underpinning ateb’s leadership style and ensuring the successful roll-out of the Service Delivery Plan across the teams.

“Last week, following staff consultation, we have held interviews for the Team Leader posts and I would just like to say thank you to those who expressed an interest and congratulations to Rob Matera-Byford and Lloyd Wilson in being appointed as Maintenance Team Leaders and to Tom Clode for being appointed as Heating & Plumbing Team Leader.” – Antony James, Maintenance and Compliance Manager

