Code of Conduct for people we send to do work in your home

This explains the conduct you can expect when we send someone to carry out work at your home.

  • Appointments

We are currently only responding to emergency jobs, essential works, and safety checks and we will send someone as soon as we can.

  • Coronavirus

All our staff and contractors have been provided with guidance on how to complete work in your home safely during the current Coronavirus outbreak. We ask that you let them know before they enter your home if you have symptoms, self-isolating, or shielding as this will determine the precautions they will need to take. Please maintain a social distance (of over 2 meters) from ateb staff or contractors in communal areas and in your home by staying in a different room to where the work is taking place or in the garden if you have one.

  • Preparation for Work

Sometimes our staff or contractor will ask you to prepare for the job by moving things away from the area where they will be working. If you are elderly or disabled and cannot move things yourself, we will help.

  •  Keeping you informed

Our staff and contractors will explain to you what they are going to do, how long it will take, and whether they will need to come back to finish the job.

  • Your health and safety

Our staff and contractors may ask you to keep your children or pets away from where they are working. They have been trained to work safely. If we send ateb staff or contractors to work on gas, oil, or electricity in your home they will be qualified to undertake this work.

  • Identity

Our staff and contractors will be appropriately dressed, normally in uniform and carry identification. They will also wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when required. If you are unsure, do not let the staff member or contractor in and please phone us on 0800 854568

  • Respect for you and your home

Our staff and contractors will respect you, your family, your home, and your property. They will be polite. They will not smoke in your home. They will not use a radio or play music.

  • Using your services

Our staff and contractors will ask you first if they need to use your gas, electricity, or water.

  • Cleanliness

Our staff and contractors shall protect the area of work with dust sheets and keep mess to a minimum. They will tidy and clean up at the end of the job (or at the end of each day if it is a big job). They will take away any rubbish.

  • Helpful information

Please ask our staff or contractors if you want to know how something works or how to avoid the same problem happening again.

  • Other jobs

Please don’t expect the staff member or contractor to do other jobs for you straight away, sometimes they can, but sometimes they can’t because other people are expecting them to call.

  • Complaints

If you are unhappy about the work or not sure whether the job has been done properly, it is normally best to bring this up with the person doing the job. However, if you feel you are not able to do that please call us.

  • Compliments

Please tell the person doing the work if you feel they have done a good job or been particularly helpful or considerate. They cannot accept tips or gifts but a thank you is appreciated.

Updated – 29th April 2020