Update: ateb’s 2020 Garden Competition

If you sent us entries and/or photos more than 30 days ago from today, & you didn’t receive an email from us today (04/06/20) regarding your entry, please send your entry details and photos again. Thank you very much.

The Theme:

Working strictly within the COVID-19 guidelines this year’s competition is all about make-do-and-mend. Bright, shiny new stuff won’t win prizes.  We want to see innovation, good use of things that might have been lying around your garden for ages; old stuff you’ve already got.  You don’t need to go shopping – we would just like to see the loving care, time, and attention you’ve put into your own, individual spaces.

How to Enter:

  • Any means of digital entry is great by sending these to [email protected]
  • Paper prints are also accepted
  • We need your names & the first line of your address (confidentially) & we’ll need your age if you’re entering the Young Person’s Class
  • The judging is due to be in the last week of June, by looking at the photos that you’ve sent in we will not be visiting gardens
  • All entries must be in by 12noon Friday 19th of June

The Classes:

  1. Best re-use of old stuff – things you already had that you’ve now made use of to make your garden look great
  2. Best Young Person’s Garden (Under 16)
  3. Best eco-friendly/Wildlife Garden (Is your garden helping the environment in some way? Have you made a bee-hotel or maybe you’re just collecting rainwater in some containers? All these types of things count in this class)
  4. Most improved Garden (you must be able to show before and after pictures of your garden, from more-or-less the same spot.
  5. Best edible produce (herbs/veg)
  6. Best Adult Garden – decorative
  7. Most innovative use of small space

The Prizes 

These will be in the form of Love2Shop shopping vouchers which can be sent via email:

1st £50

2nd £15

3rd £5

Good luck & please stay safe!