We will continue to put our customers at the heart of everything we do

The impact of the Coivd-19 crisis continues to be felt across our customers, team, and partners and we need to prepare for how we deliver our services for the foreseeable future.

ateb is fully committed to doing everything we can within the regulations and safety advice from Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, and other Health and Safety bodies to deliver as many services as we can whilst ensuring our customers, teams, and partners safety is always put first.

Our key priorities currently are to:

  • Help our customers get the financial support they need
  • Support our customers’ wellbeing
  • Keep customers safe and secure in their own home
  • Provide Tenancy and Community Management Support

As we seek to find ways of doing more, we have provided an update on some decisions we have made to provide clarity on our next steps over the coming months. These decisions have been made in the best interests of everyone’s safety and will be reviewed regularly.

Please click here to read the letter that our customers have received.