Your Contribution to ateb’s 2-year Recovery Plan: RESULTS

E2i can now share the contribution you made towards ateb’s 2-year Recovery Plan, helping us to focus on priorities, with your views at the heart of that decision making.

A 2-question survey was run for 10 days in mid July, asking you, as we came away from COVID, what did you see as priority improvement areas for ateb’s services. Here are the results of that survey.


Some of the comments we received were:

  • “Finding better cleaners/sub-contractors. Better monitoring of services that are provided by sub-contractors.”
  • “I would like to see more events for tenants. This is the second year without the Big Day Out and I understand why this year but it would be nice to replace it with something else.”
  • “Id like to see more staff visiting our streets and doing inspections. Some neighbours leave their rubbish everywhere and its not nice to look at. More parking in new build streets.”
  • “You need to acknowledge every communication, as in the past some communications are not acknowledged.  We need to be given a person and time frame to answer, eg an automated response to say thank you and we will get back to you and with a date. Some things take many calls to get things done. Let us know what department is dealing with it and give the timescale.”
  • “The most helpful thing that ateb could do is launch an app which does everything that My Account does in a mobile friendly way.”
  • “I’ve enjoyed the Welfare calls and they might be useful in the long term for people without family and friends around them.”
  • “As we get older, it does get harder to tend the hedges, that we didn’t plant; we need advice or help re WHO can do this work for us at a value for money rate whilst doing a good job.”
  • “Working with existing customers when designing and building new properties. Solar panels on every new property and a commitment to being greener.”
  • “Completing external works and improving communal areas to ensure accessible to all. WiFi service that is fit for Purpose”
  • “It would be nice to have a more specific timetable about when things are going to be replaced”

THANK YOU VERY MUCH everyone who gave their opinions & helped us to structure our Recovery Plan