ateb’s Community Alarm Service 

“Your independence when you want it, HELP when you need it”
  • Do you live in an ateb property?
  • Are you living alone?
  • Do you have mobility issues, a medical condition or an impairment that could make you vulnerable or at high risk of falls?

If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the above, then why not have a Community Alarm installed?

What is the Service?

Our Community Alarm Service provides access to the emergency services if needed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The alarm unit is quick and easy to install. Complete with the option of a neck or wrist worn pendant to connect directly to the control center, no need to remember any phone numbers. This means at the touch of a button emergency services, family or friends can be alerted offering you reassurance and peace of mind at any time.

Another service provided with the alarm is a home fire safety inspection by Mid and West Wales Fire Service, where they may recommend alarm linked Fire detectors within the property, which means that if there is an activation within the property, then the emergency services would be alerted straight away. This is ideal for people with dementia, hearing/sight impairments, or mobility issues who may not be aware of fire or smoke.

A welfare/wellbeing call is also offered by our current provider through the installed community alarm to ensure your wellbeing on a daily or weekly basis, for those that do not have any interaction with family or friends.

Who can assess it?

A referral can be made by yourself, a friend or relative, ateb staff member, social services or health care professional, as long as you are living in an ateb property. There is no age restriction for this service, the tenant just needs a vulnerability or medical condition to qualify.

How much does it cost?

There is a small cost for the alarm service, details of the cost can be provided on request.

If interested, please contact us for more details.

[email protected]

01437 763688