New automatic defibrillator installed in Pembroke

We are proud to announce in conjunction with the Welsh Heart Charity, we have installed a new automatic defibrillator at our Supported Living complex in Pembroke. This defibrillator will be available for the local community as well as customers living in our homes.

Pete Cleary our Facilities Coordinator said:

“Fitting defibrillators to all ateb’s supported living schemes in the future is part of our commitment to our customers and the local community. I’m sure our customers and the local population will welcome this initiative – these devices are simple and straightforward to use and can save lives.

With more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests across the UK every year and less than one in ten surviving, the use of a defibrillator is vital, as without immediate treatment, 90-95% of sudden cardiac arrest victims will die.  For every minute it takes for a defibrillator to reach someone and deliver a shock, their chances of survival reduce by up to 10% so the more we can get defibrillators into our community the more lives we can potentially save”.

Defibrillators are easy to use and will never give a shock unless the person needs one. For more information on how they work check out the British Heart Foundation website.

The Save A Life Cymru project have also produced this really helpful video on what to do in an emergency

Well done Pete and well done Mike who installed the equipment (pictured above).

Published: 20/01/2021