Did you know that as a customer of ateb you are

Did you know that as a customer of ateb you are automatically a member of TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) & are eligible to attend many TPAS events!  The events are currently online, due to COVID restrictions.  They provide customers with a fantastic opportunity to explore, share & talk about tenant & landlord topics.  You will get opportunity to discuss your experiences, challenges and successes of any tenant/landlord activities you’ve been involved in recently and/or have planned during the next few months. You will also get the chance to gain cutting edge knowledge & insight. https://www.tpas.cymru/events

These events are free to all ateb customers – if you do find a TPAS event that you’d like to go to, but that does cost, please get in touch with [email protected] who will organise for your fees to be paid.

These events are often very popular – places can be limited – do book early!

Let us know if you’d like to go to an event but you don’t have the right equipment eg a laptop/computer/tablet/phone.  Loans of IT equipment are possible from ateb and partnering organisations.

Published 12/02/21