Rent to Own Scheme

Would you like to own your own home but do not have enough saved for a deposit?

Our Rent to Own scheme could be just right for you. You can rent your new home while you build up a lump sum to use as a deposit so you can buy it after 3 and up to 5 years of renting.

We might just have a stylish home for you in the perfect location!

Applications will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis – so don’t delay, click here to find out more now!

Quick Checklist

  • You can afford monthly payments but don’t have enough saved for a deposit
  • You want to eventually own your own home
  • Your combined household income must be under £60k
Rent to Own properties

We currently don’t have any properties available under this scheme.

Please visit our website regularly for further updates on available Low Cost Home Ownership Options.

Get involved with ateb

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