Afternoon Tea anyone?

Customers at our Extra Care Independent Living accommodation at DeClare Court and Kensington Court were treated to a complimentary Afternoon Tea this week.

We hosted the event in our Extra Care restaurants and customers were banqueted with a selection of cakes, sandwiches and even some Pimm’s!


Joan who has lived at Declare Court for over 8 years said “The last year has been tough for us all and I have really missed meeting in the lounges and having my lunch with friends. I have had so much fun today and am feeling much more relaxed about returning to eating my regular meals in the restaurant again.” 

Amy our Independent Living Team Leader commented “As restrictions are gradually relaxed we are hoping to re-introduce more and more community activities, which are vitally important for our customers wellbeing. We won’t be taking any risks and this was a good test of our policies and procedures. We are looking forward to the next step of our customers dining together over the coming weeks, although we are continuing to offer a home delivery service for customers who want it.”

If you would like more information on living in our Extra Care accommodation please check out our Independent Living page.

Published 14/07/2021