Reflections from 2020 – Mill Bay Homes

  • 100% of gift aid put into ateb’s social housing and community projects
  • Over £8m raised has been gift aided to date
  • £2.6m gift aid raised in FY 20/21

It was 8 years ago that Mill Bay Homes was formed as a subsidiary of ateb Group. The aim of Mill Bay Homes was to build homes for sale in the private sector and use 100% of the gift aid raised to provide more socially rented homes on top of the ones ateb developed, with the use of traditional grant support from the Welsh Government.

Over the first 7 years £5.7m has been raised and we are predicting a return of an additional £2.6m from FY 20/21 (£8.3m gift aid in total). The ateb Board then uses the funds to develop new social rent homes and other community projects that support the customers we serve. Mike Westerman, Chair of Mill Bay Homes has been delighted with the performance,

“Mill Bay Homes not only produces great homes to meet a real demand for quality new homes in West Wales, we also ensure all of our profits raised are gift aided back to our parent ateb to support the wider community. When you buy a Mill Bay home, you are directly giving back to your local community. As Mill Bay Homes has ateb as its only shareholder and has relatively low overheads, we can maximise the gift aid we return each year. The last year has been very successful and will further increase ateb’s ability to build more socially rented homes over the next 3 years.”

Over the next 3 years Mill Bay Homes will continue its work as a socially conscious house builder in West Wales. Thank you to all our Mill Bay Homes customers and partners who have made this success story possible.

Nick Hampshire
Chief Executive
ateb Group Limited

ateb Reflections are a look back at some of our key considerations and achievements from 2020.

To download a copy of Reflection 2 – Mill Bay Homes please click here.

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