[email protected] or call 0800 854 568
Our Save Energy, Save Money project aims to help our customers, like Simon below, during the Cost of Living Crisis.
Simon contacted ateb because he could not afford oil and had not had heating or hot water for weeks. Our Home Energy Officer jumped into action and managed to fill his tank with some heating oil and working with Simon, was able to show him how to use his central heating and hot water system more effectively, also providing tips and advice to stop the early signs of a damp and a condensation problem. But the help didn’t stop there, We also:
- did an income and benefit check to make sure he was receiving all the financial help he was entitled to.
- then asked our Independent Living Team to do an Attendance Allowance and Priority Services Registration application.
- booked our repairs team to fix a broken extractor fan and look at the damp and condensation problem.
- At Simons request, gave him information on how to get in touch with HelpMeQuit.Wales to try and stop smoking.
- provided free Reflective Radiator Foil to maximise heat efficiency.
If you are struggling, and we know lots of you are at the moment, get in touch with us. You might be surprised how much we can help.
Email: [email protected] or call 0800 854 568
Our Home Energy Officer can:
- Carry out a free home energy review to provide energy saving information and advice
- Identify and support you in accessing financial support for reducing your energy bills.
- Help you understand and better use your temperature controls and timers.
Here are some other useful tips to help save energy, save money.
1. Switch off standby
You can save around £40 a year just by remembering to turn your appliances off standby mode.
2. Only boil what you need.
Avoid overfilling the kettle and save yourself £8 a year on your electricity bill.
3. Take it slow.
To save energy (and lessen the need to cook when you get home after work), try using a slow cooker to cook throughout the day – they only use about as much energy as a light bulb.
4. Do full laundry loads.
Half-load settings save very little energy, so a full load is much more energy efficient. Do fewer (but fuller) – wash loads instead.
5. Make your showers shorter
This will save both water and the energy needed to heat it.