Storm Eunice – Important information on ateb services

Storm Eunice is due to hit Pembrokeshire from the early hours of Friday morning (1am onwards) and an amber weather warning has been issued for most of the day.

A red weather warning (meaning ‘danger to life’) has been issued between Swansea and Chepstow and there is a chance Pembrokeshire’s weather warning could also be changed to red nearer the time.

We will be here to support our customers as best we can in very difficult weather conditions, however please be aware that;

  • We will be rescheduling any non-urgent repairs and home visits up to mid-day (12pm) tomorrow and will only be responding to emergencies. It may take time to reach you due to the bad weather / road / bridge closures so please be patient with us and we will get to you as quickly as possible.
  • You may find it difficult to contact us due to internet / power outages, please be patient with us and we will answer your call as soon as we can. If you can’t reach us by phone please email [email protected]
  • If there is damage or risk that is causing an immediate danger to life, please contact the emergency services.
  • We strongly advise you to avoid all shared ateb outdoor spaces such as balconies, communal gardens / grounds due to the risk of flying debris and falling trees.

Please ensure you keep safe, keep in touch with local news, Met Office and follow the latest advice.

Did you know: should your belongings be damaged, such as by floods or fire – you are responsible for replacing your home contents and belongings. That’s why we always recommend taking home contents insurance. For more information check out the National Housing Federations My Home Contents Insurance.

Published: 17/02/2022