Regulatory Judgement outcome published by Welsh Government

We are delighted to announce our regulatory judgement outcome for June 2022 as ‘compliant green’ for both governance (including tenant services) and financial viability. This means that Welsh Government are saying we meet the regulatory standards and will receive routine regulatory oversight going forward.

Regulatory Judgements are assessments on how well housing associations are meeting Welsh Government standards and all housing associations across Wales go through this process annually.

The assessment process looks at two main areas, governance (including tenant services) and financial viability. Part of the process includes us evidencing to WG how we meet the 9 regulatory performance standards which includes how the organisation is strategically led, how we manage risks, how we ensure the services we provide to customers are of a good standard, the quality of our homes, how affordable our homes and services are, how involved customers are in our decision making and how financially viable we are in the short, medium and long term.

Ceri Morgan, Head of Corporate commented

“A big well done to all the team, this goes to show the hard work across ateb, Mill Bay Homes and West Wales Care and Repair is really paying off.  Also, a big thank you to our customers whose involvement in our e2i activities provide great insight to help us continuously improve our services. If there are any new customers who would like to get involved and shape future services, or provide feedback, please come along to our customer forum. They happen on the last Thursday of every month and are a great opportunity to find out what ateb are up to.”

All regulatory judgement outcomes are published on the Welsh Government website here.

Or to download and view of copy of ours please click here

Published 30/06/2022