Book your place at our Cost of Living Conference

We are holding a Cost of Living Conference for ateb customers at the Torch Theatre later this month.

The rising costs of living, particularly the increase in energy and other living costs is impacting on us all. We would like to hear from you about how we can best provide services to you whilst keeping the cost of doing so to a minimum.

At a recent ateb Customer Forum meeting the increase in the cost-of-living issue was raised along with the question of what ateb could do to help. It was suggested that we organise an event where ateb customers and team members could explore these and other ideas further.

We already do a lot of things, for example, ensuring that your rent and service charges are affordable by adopting the Living Rent and providing energy efficiency advice and budgeting support, but we want to know if there is more that we can do.

Please come along (book your place) and join the conversation about the cost-of-living increases, the upcoming potential rent increases and how it affects you and what we might be able to do to support people who live in ateb homes.

We want to hear from as many different people as possible, so whether you live alone, in a big family, in a new property or an old property, your views and ideas would be welcome.

This event will involve members of the ateb team who want to hear your views and ideas so that we can provide the best possible support and services whilst keeping the cost of doing so affordable.

It will also be an opportunity for you to pick up some great energy saving tips as well as finding out what other support might be available.

A buffet lunch will be provided so you will need to book a place.

If you are interested in attending, please send an email to [email protected]

or phone Sue Mackie on 01437 774769 or Ali Evans 01437 774766 to book a place.

When: Thursday 13th October 12.30pm to 3.30pm

Where: The Torch Theatre, Milford Haven.

We look forward to seeing you.

Published: 03/10/2022