Invitation to Get Involved

Struggling to make ends meet?
Not enough money to go round?
Not sure how you will get through the winter?

PAVS are looking for volunteers and would like to hear your thoughts about:

● the impact of living in poverty on you and your family
● your suggestions about what could improve the situation for you and others in Pembrokeshire
● what are the barriers or obstacles to being able to improve things?

A working group has come together to create a plan to tackle rising rates of financial hardship and poverty in the county. They know they are not the experts and would like to involve you to understand better what it’s like to live in poverty and what help is most needed, especially as we face the cost-of-living crisis, and so they can put funding where it will help the most.

Your experience, thoughts and suggestions will help shape the plan and they have asked Sarah Hughes and Karen Scott to help them gather stories and experiences of poverty in the community.

How to get involved

You can contribute your story, at a time and place suitable for you, by: speaking to Sarah or Karen; having a conversation with a friend or neighbour, which one of you writes down or records; an audio, video or written online diary; or by attending a small group with other people in similar circumstances. The choice is yours.

We value your contribution and are able to offer you a choice of supermarket vouchers. Or, you might choose to exchange your story for Tempo Time Credits, which can be ‘spent’ at a number of national leisure and cultural outlets, instead of using money. More details of this are here.

What you tell us will be confidential, and your details will not be kept or shared, unless you give us permission (for example, if you choose to remain involved in the project after sharing your story).

If you would like to take part in the project, please speak with atebs Community Development Team, or contact PAVS directly by phone/text on:

07568 225758

[email protected]

If you are worried about your energy bills this winter speak to our Home Energy Officer[email protected] or call / text 07929021182

Published 17/10/2022