National Tenant Engagement Conference 2023 (Hosted by TPAS Cymru)

This is an opportunity for you to meet up with people from across Wales who also live in Social Housing & discuss & learn about hot topics important to you.  There is one general needs space available, due to cancellation.

This year:

  • At The Metropol Hotel, Llandrindod
  • on the 14th – 16th of November 2023
  • a 1 or 2 day option
  • an option to stay 1 or both nights
  • all costs paid for by ateb, including care & transport costs
  • by attending this TPAS Conference, you would be a representative of ateb and you would be expected to gather information which you could bring back to ateb, to help other customers of ateb. You would get lots of help from ateb with this task.

If you are interested, please get in touch with Ali Evans by 30/06/23: 01437 774766 / 07500 446611 [email protected]

Updated 27/10/23