Celebrating Inclusivity at ateb Group’s Latest ED&I Meeting in Narberth

Last month, Plas Hyfryd in Narberth played host to our latest Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) meeting, a vibrant and insightful event dedicated to celebrating and enhancing our support for the LGBTQ community during Pride Month. The meeting was a resounding success, filled with engaging discussions, inspiring talks, and a collective commitment to fostering a more inclusive environment for all our customers and teams.

Highlighting Pride with a Thought-Provoking short film

We began the meeting with an enlightening short film that highlighted the history of PRIDE month, leaving a lasting impact on everyone present and sparking meaningful conversations about how we can better support our LGBTQ customers.

Engaging Discussions on LGBTQ Support

Following the short film, attendees participated in dynamic group discussions focused on a critical question: “What more can we do for our LGBTQ customers?” Ideas flowed freely as we shared thoughts on improving our services, creating more inclusive spaces, and ensuring that LGBTQ voices are heard and respected within our communities.

The Importance of ED&I Data

Another key topic of discussion was the importance of collecting ED&I data. Many customers might wonder why we ask for this information, and the meeting provided an excellent opportunity to explain its significance. ED&I data helps us understand the diverse needs of our customers and if there are any barriers to participation, enabling us to tailor our services more effectively. By collecting and analysing this data, we can identify areas for improvement and ensure that our offerings are inclusive and equitable for everyone.

Join Our ED&I Action Group

We believe that the journey towards greater inclusivity is one we must take together. That’s why we’re inviting all our customers to join our ED&I Action Group, which meets quarterly to discuss and develop strategies for enhancing our ED&I efforts. Your voice is invaluable in shaping our services and creating a community where everyone feels welcome and valued.

If you’re passionate about making a difference and want to contribute to our ongoing ED&I initiatives, we’d love to hear from you. Join our next ED&I Action Group meeting in September (more information here) or send your suggestions to [email protected].

Together, let’s continue to build a more inclusive, supportive, and vibrant community for all.

Published: 03/07/2024