We provide a range of good-quality, flexible Independent Living housing and support services, tailored to the needs of our customers.
We regularly review these services in consultation with customers and other stakeholders. We do this to make sure that our services enable and promote customers to keep their independence and that they meet the changing needs of the local authorities in which they are provided.
To see a list of our Independent Living homes, built for customers over 55 years old view our Independent Living brochure.
For more information you can contact [email protected] or call us on 0800 854 568
For all of our Independent Living homes you will need to complete the Choice Homes application form on their website here, then email once completed to [email protected]
For our Independent Living (Extra Care) properties DeClare Court and Kensington Court, we have an open waiting list and we will contact those who have registered an interest, when a vacancy comes up.
For all of our other Independent Living schemes, once you have your bidding number you will be able to go on Choice Homes @ Pembrokeshire and bid on properties that are listed. Homes are let using our allocations procedures.
We offer a number of services to help you stay in your own home…
Independent Living Support Service
Whether you live in Independent Living Housing, or another ateb home, and you are 55 or over and need support, we’re here to help. For more information view our Independent Living Support Service brochure or to make a referral you can contact [email protected] or call us on 0800 854 568
Community Alarms
This service is for anybody of any age, you simply need to be vulnerable (such as prone to falls) and it’s clear that having this service will benefit you, giving you peace of mind as well as keeping you safe in your own home. For a small charge per week, you can have a Lifeline pendant and alarm which links to a dedicated control centre, should you need help. Please see our Community Alarms Service Leaflet for more information.
If you would like to apply for an alarm, complete the Online Form or you can contact [email protected] or call us on 01437 763688 and a member of our Independent Living Team will call you back.
Aids & Adaptations
For minor adaptations such as grab rails, shower seat or fitting lever taps, please complete the Minor Adaptations online form or call us on 01437 763688
If you need a larger adaptation, such as a level access shower or stair lift, please contact Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764551 who will arrange for an occupational therapist to come and meet you and assess your needs.
Once we receive the OT’s assessment, we will contact you to arrange for the work to go ahead through our subsidiary, West Wales Care and Repair. If there are any reasons why we cannot authorise the adaptation, we will contact you and discuss your options with you.
Almost all of our Independent Living Schemes have defibrillators installed (read more here). To access a defibrillator you need to call the emergency services and get a code.