Customers at the heart of everything we do

In our tenants’ Autumn newsletter, we had some queries about our Out of Hours Repairs Emergency Service. We undertook a survey in February 2019 from which we received answers to our survey questions via email, telephone questionnaires, home visits & social media sites etc. Some of the comments made were…

“Response time wasn’t good”

“Just told to ring the office when open”

“Would prefer local customer service, but they did talk to me through the job”

How we created a better living solution for our tenants from this was …

  • A percentage of calls will be screened, and constructive feedback will be given to telephone agents at the Out of Hours Emergency Repairs call centre to improve their response to our customers and to improve the overall customer experience.
  • Call Response will have live information on customers in relation to vulnerabilities and the need for an emergency response to a repair so that the call centre can give suitable answers depending on your situation.
  • ateb has put information on our website, on our Facebook page etc setting out the emergencies the Out of Hours Emergency Repairs Service can deal with.

We really appreciate the feedback from all those who took part in this survey. The Improvement Actions for this survey are now being worked on in ateb. It’s great to get feedback and great to hear ateb is making a difference and delivering better living solutions for our customers. Look out for more information over the next few weeks about our Maintenance Team.

