Meet the Buyer 2019

On Friday 29th November ateb held a Meet the Buyer event at Parc Y Scarlets for New Construction Contractors and Consultants.

The day was successful with over 40 attendees from a variety of consultancy areas, e.g. Architects, Planning, Cost Consultants, CDM, M&E and construction contractors from SME’s.

The event was to promote our upcoming tender framework opportunity for contractors/consultants and to engage with the market to identify their interests in working with ateb on future developments for both ateb and Mill Bay Homes. We wanted to emphasis our DNA, Vision and our ateb ethos to our potential contractors and give them an insight as to what it would look like to be a part of our team. Feedback was positive with one comment stating, ‘Useful presentation to understand how the group operates and to see the potential for future growth’ and another ‘Very informative and great team of people’. One suggestion was to possibly ‘form a regular contractor/consultant forum’ to share experience and best practice.

Thanks to everyone who represented ateb and Mill Bay Homes, the event was well received by the attendees. If you are a contractor/consultant, then please keep an eye out on Sell2Wales for our tender opportunities.

