Board Membership

Being an ateb Board Member puts you in a great position to make a difference to the lives of many people across West Wales. Board Membership:

ateb is a Registered Social Landlord with the Welsh Government (more commonly called a housing association) and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Society as a Community Benefit Society (or not for profit organisation). Our legal structure requires us to have a Board of Management to set and monitor our Governance Framework. The Board can consist of up to 12 Full and 3 Co-opted Board Members. Read on for more on Board Membership.

The Board oversees the governance arrangements of the Association i.e. strategy, performance and risk setting and monitoring. They work closely with the employed members of the team to jointly understand the issues affecting the Association and what we need to do to improve and grow. Our type of organisation requires a Board that has a range of different skills and diversity of views to make sure we make the best decisions for the varying needs of our customers and communities across West Wales. As a Board Member you will:

  • Be encouraged to use your skills and experience to help the Association improve in a variety of ways.
  • Be part of a decision-making process that will help change people’s lives.
  • Be part of a committed team.
  • Be encouraged to constructively challenge is a key part of a successful Board.
  • Be able to access training and support to help with gaps in your knowledge or skills that you have identified.
  • Get to meet a range of new people and contacts across the housing sector.
  • Develop a good understanding of the key housing and social issues facing our communities.
  • Learn new technical competencies.
  • Have opportunities to work on specific task and finish projects that explore particular areas in greater detail.

We are always interested in hearing from prospective Board Members so please either, drop our HR team an email on [email protected] to request a call back to discuss any queries or apply now by clicking here and we will arrange a get together.

To help, we have compiled a number of FAQ’s to help you gauge whether Board Membership is for you:

Who can become a Board Member?

Subject to a couple of background requirements, anyone with the skills or experience needed by the Board.

I haven’t worked for some time, would you still want me?

If you have the skills and experience the Board is looking for, then yes we would still want you. Your skills and experience could have been gained through a variety of settings and not just paid work.

I don’t understand finance so I am guessing that rules me out?

No, the Board does get involved in a number of different financial matters and we will support you to develop a good level of understanding, we also have in-house and external advice to call on. Additionally, we will always look to retain at least one Board Member with financial skills on the Board.

What is the time commitment?

We have 10 Board meetings a year, an AGM, an away day and other training events as required. We have estimated a minimum of 92 hours per year. Board Members can also choose whether to get involved in other committees and working groups.

Do I have to have formal qualifications?

No, we are primarily interested in the skills and experiences you will bring to the Board. We will ask you to show us how your skills and experiences can be transferred into our Board setting. Your qualifications can obviously help your explanation but are not mandatory.

Who’s on the Board already, how will I know I will fit in?

We recognise that a Board Membership with diverse backgrounds and experiences gained from a range of perspectives will only enhance what we do. Please see our meet us pages for more information on current Board Members. We understand that joining any new group can be daunting that’s why we try and give everyone a good insight to the Board before they join and then offer a tailored induction process to help new members to settle in.

It sounds a lot of responsibility, what risks are attached to Board membership?

As Board Member, you are making decisions regarding the running of the business and you will need to abide by our Code of Governance. The Welsh Government as our main regulator has powers to step in or intervene where things are not going well, this could involve changing the Board composition. As a matter of course, ateb carries insurance as a contingency for Board Members’ work.

Why do people become Board Members?

For a range of reasons, a lot want to give something back to their communities, some want to broaden their skill sets or knowledge base and others see Board Membership as a way to help them develop their career.

Do Board Members get paid?

Board Members for ateb and Mill Bay Homes are remunerated for their role.  However due to WWC&R’s company status, size and funding regime, remuneration is not considered appropriate.

How long can I stay on the Board? 

The maximum period is 9 years. Board Membership generally runs from AGM to AGM with certain rules on re-election. Co-opted members can join in the year depending on particular Board requirements, they share the responsibilities of a full Board Member with the exception of voting on certain matters e.g. shareholder rules.

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