We are all working hard to keep in touch with our customers and have produced an informativeĀ guide on what services we’re currently providing for you in our sheltered schemes. We want to ensure you that we have you at the heart of our services and will continue to assist you through these difficult times whilst we stay safe in our homes and communities.
We realise how this can be a lonely time especially if you live on your own and have put together advice on how to keep in touch with friends and family and how we can support you to connect with others in the scheme or in the community etc.
Our health and well-being is very important whilst the current restrictions are still prevalent and we have provided some tips and opportunities to keep active even within your own home, so we hope you find them interesting.
We are continuing to provide catering services with our Extra Care schemes, although we have had to adjust our practices to conform to the Covid 19 guidelines, and an update on services on offer are included in the guide.
Many of you must either shield or self-isolate to conform to the pandemic guidelines so we have included information around shopping and prescriptions and how we can assist you with these, so please have a read through and contact us for more information so you require any.
Lastly, for those cooks amongst us, we have a lovely recipe for you to indulge in, and it would be great if you could send through to us any pictures of the finished articles. There are also what we thought were important contact numbers of relevant organisations you may need to get in touch with.
You can read our newsletter here.
Take care and stay safe