ateb Garden Competition 2022

Here it is! Our 2022 Gardening Competition

  • Best Young Person’s Garden (Under 16 years old)
  • Best Eco-friendly / Wildlife Garden (Is your garden helping the environment in some way? EG use of water butts / bee or butterfly friendly / wormery / pollinators)
  • Most Improved Garden (You’ll need to show ‘before’ photos to enter this class, alongside your current garden photos)
  • Best Accessible Garden
  • Best Individual Garden
  • Best Edible Produce
  • Most Innovative Use of SMALL SPACE
  • Best Communal/Shared Garden (to have been nurtured by a group, not an individual)

Shopping vouchers worth:

1st £50; 2nd £20; 3rd £10 all classes, except for class 8: 1st £100; 2nd £30; 3rd £15

The Prize-giving, with tea and cakes, will be held at DeClare Court SA61 1XN on 31/08/22

How to Enter

Please send your photos electronically (no more than 5 photos per class & per email) to [email protected] or send them through a private message on Facebook

  • Your photos, or short videos, must be of this year’s garden (except for the ‘before’ photos in class 3)
  • You may enter the same garden for any number of suitable classes
  • You may submit a very small written piece to enhance your entries
  • Say which classes you’d like to enter
  • All entries must be in by 12 noon on Friday 1st July 2022. Judging will be the following week
  • You must live in Pembrokeshire
  • Staff of ateb may not enter
  • Please give your name, age if under 16, address & phone number
  • By submitting your photographs you are confirming you own the copyright and grant us permission to use your photos on our website and social media

For more information please contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 446611 / [email protected]

If it matters to you, it matters to us

Published: 24/05/22