ateb is 3 years old

ateb was launched 3 years ago with a vision to achieve more for the customers and communities it served. Over those 3 years we have made some positive steps to delivering on that statement from investing in millions of pounds home improvements, building new homes, investing in the teams that deliver our services and the soon to be launched new customer service software.

The last year has been a very difficult period for our communities and has required us to adjust to ensure we can continue to deliver the key services our customers require. This has been achieved through flexibility and understanding of both the ateb team and our customers, and has resulted in the majority of ‘normal’ services still being delivered.

As if planned, we will see our 3,000 home occupied this month, which is a fantastic achievement and a statement of our desire to keep doing more. We have kept to our commitment of affordable rents by keeping rent increases inline or lower than inflation for the last 2 years.

ateb is on a journey, meaning we must always listen, understand and improve if we are to meet the challenges of our Vision set 3 years ago.

Happy third birthday to all our ateb customers, communities and partners.

Nick Hampshire
Chief Executive

Published 01/03/2021