ateb Trust’s First Round of Funding Supports Seven Local Projects – With More to Come

Earlier this year, ateb proudly launched the ateb Trust, offering grants of up to £1,500 for projects that make a real difference to ateb communities. The Trust was set up to support initiatives that help communities become more self-sufficient and resilient, regenerate neighbourhoods, and enable older and vulnerable people to live safely and independently in their homes.

The vision for the ateb Trust is simple – to inspire positive change across ateb communities and help people feel secure, supported, and empowered.

We’re delighted to announce that the first round of funding closed at the end of January, and following a rigorous assessment of applications by ateb team members and customers, seven fantastic local projects were chosen to receive grants totalling £7,000.

One of these organisations is PATCH (Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship), who were awarded £1,500 to help them buy food for people with specific dietary needs. PATCH already works closely with ateb, regularly providing much-needed support to our customers. During this year’s Christmas Toy Appeal alone, PATCH delivered over 70 food parcels to ateb customers.

David Golding from PATCH gratefully commented:

“With support from our new trustee, Ellen Picton, and Lucy (PATCH), we’re working to make our parcels healthier and more inclusive, ensuring no one is excluded due to allergies, intolerances, or dietary needs. This donation from ateb will help us buy those specialist foods and we’re incredibly grateful for this donation and the difference it will make. Thank you ateb.”

Amy Williams, Housing Solutions Team Leader, said:

“We have a great relationship with PATCH, and they regularly step in to help our customers with food parcels when they’re going through difficult times. I was absolutely delighted to see they applied to the ateb Trust and even more so when I heard they’d been approved by our Customer Forum. It’s well deserved!”.

Other successful applications came from several ateb customer Groups, securing funding for improvements like a new garden bench and a communal TV with the aim of reducing isolation of older people living in ateb communities.

Local organisations Get The Boys A Lift, Amber Bee, and Men 2 Men CIC also received funding to support their important projects that benefit ateb communities.

Mark Lewis, Executive Director for Customer, pictured above on the right said:

“We know that to that help communities become more self-sufficient and resilient, regenerate neighbourhoods, and enable older and vulnerable people to live safely and independently in their homes, we need to work collaboratively and in partnership with our ateb customers and local voluntary and third sector organisations. It is great to see that the projects being supported through this round of financial support will go some way in helping ateb communities thrive”.

The next round of ateb Trust funding will open in July this year. If you’ve got an idea that could benefit your community, we’d love to hear from you!

For more information and details on how to apply, visit the ateb Trust webpage.

Published: 25/03/2025