ateb hold latest Wellbeing Gathering

Last Thursday (19 October 2023) saw ateb’s Wellbeing Gathering take place at the Queen’s Hall, Narberth.

Previously called our Cost of Living Conference, this free annual event provides our customers with an opportunity to have your voices heard on what matters to you, in order for us to focus on what ateb and our partners can do to enhance your wellbeing by improving the quality of your living.

Also present on the day to offer useful advice and support, were a number of community organisations such as Pembrokeshire Community Hub, Age Cymru, Pembrokeshire Supported Employment Programme, the Police, Community Connectors, FRAME, PACTO and Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire.

In an open discussion led by ateb’s Dave Tovey (Head of Customer) customers shared issues and pressures affecting them in the current cost of living crisis such as:

  • Managing fuel & energy bills
  • Energy efficiency issues with older properties
  • Solar panels – we don’t know how to benefit from them
  • Condition of property
  • Waste disposal & recycling
  • Online access & costs
  • Shared, indoor spaces – a lot of waste of heat
  • Would like more info on SMART meters
  • Energy – direct debit concerns
  • What planned works are planned & when
  • Rats

These discussions are invaluable for us to hear your experiences, viewpoints and ideas, to help others and improve what we do.

The afternoon’s workshop groups enabled customers to focus on priority issues raised with a wide selection of key members of the ateb team, many of whom were in a position to directly address their specific concerns and find solutions there and then.

Whilst the day was a day for looking at challenges and exploring solutions, ateb Customer Joan Jaap closed the meeting in surprise fashion, declaring as everyone began to pack up, “I know we have said a lot about our issues today but I have to say ateb are a fantastic landlord and I feel very lucky to live in my ateb home.”

A huge thank you to everyone to came along and made the day such a success.

If you’d like to get involved at ateb please visit our engage to improve webpage where you’ll find details on our customer forum, survey planning group and lots more. 

Published: 23/10/2023