Phase 3 Complete: Pembroke Road on Track to Deliver 100 Homes

We are excited to share that 12 new homes have been handed over this quarter as part of the third phase of our development on Pembroke Road, Pembroke Dock.

Once complete, the site will provide 100 much-needed homes for Pembrokeshire, representing an investment of over £17 million pounds.

So far, 22 homes have been let through the Housing Register as part of phases 1 and 2, with customers moving into the latest built homes this month. Our Lettings Coordinator Cheryl has been working closely with our Development Team to accelerate the process and minimise the time between build and letting.  #GetThingsDone 

We’re looking forward to letting the fourth and next phase of homes in the next month or so (February/March), as we continue to deliver on our promise of providing high-quality, affordable-to-rent, social homes. 
Andrew Thomas, ateb’s Build Quality Inspector, sheds light on the process: 
“Before a home can be handed over from our development to the lettings team, we ensure all inspections are completed, and the necessary certificates are logged. While a home may look ready from the outside, it may take weeks for external organisations to carry out inspections and issue the required completion certificates.” 

“It’s always a pleasure to hand over a newly built home to our Lettings Team, knowing that it’s going to make a difference in someone’s life. When building these new homes we always follow Welsh Housing Quality Standard but just as importantly, I’ll often think about the end user and how the property would suit them and meet their individual lifestyles”.  

In total there are 7 phases in this development, and we hope to have all 100 homes completed by early 2026. To check out our other developments take a peak at our development page. 

Published: 22/01/2025