Category Archives: News/Events

“Domestic abuse is not limited to physical abuse” find out more…

Welsh Government has a vision to end violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales. Their aim is to make Wales the safest country in Europe for everyone, to undermine the environment in which domestic abuse takes place.  One of their objectives is to challenge the public attitude to violence against […]

Get your voice heard – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 25th of May 2023, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  There will be a short break at 11:00.  This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect you […]

ateb Garden Competition 2023

Yes, it’s back & this time, in the flesh! Our 2023 Gardening Competition A fantastic opportunity to show off your skills, no matter how small your ‘garden’.  With great money prizes, judging in the flesh & a fabulous cream-teas prize-giving event open to all competitors & their closest, this is a competition not to be […]

Cost of living and fuel poverty update

ateb team members have been meeting monthly to oversee and co-ordinate how we support our customers during these challenging times and deliver on the ideas co-produced with our customers at a cost of living and fuel poverty forum last October. There has been some amazing work going on to support our customers, including; 3,454 money […]

Energy vouchers

20% of households with pre-payment meters have not cashed in their energy vouchers for November and December which would give them vouchers for £132 in energy costs. When a voucher is not claimed, suppliers should make at least three attempts to reach you, by post, email and text message. Check your texts and email spam […]

Survey Planning Group

The next on-line Survey Planning Group session will be on Tuesday the 23rd of May 2023, 10:00 – 11:00. ateb can help you to connect with us through Teams, if you’d like help, even if you don’t have equipment. These groups are open to all staff & customers of ateb – Please feel free to come to the Survey Planning sessions & get your voice […]

Merlins Bridge & Pater Hall

22/02/23 11:00 – 14:00; Pater Hall, Lewis St, Pembroke Dock SA72 6DH 23/02/23 14:00 – 17:00; Merlins Bridge Welfare Hall, Pembroke Rd, Haverfordwest SA61 1JW TEA WITH ATEB All children under 16 must be accompanied by someone who is 16 or over.  Come and join us for a free, light meal and a chance to […]

The Dementia Bus

Bill, one of our Independent Living Coordinators arranged for training2care to bring along their Dementia Bus so that some of the team could participate in the Virtual Dementia Tour. The tour gave the team some experience of what dementia might be like, and for a short time allowed us to enter the world of the […]

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 23rd of Febuary 2023, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  There will be a short break at 11:00.  This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect […]

Rent Letters are Coming

This year we are sending out our annual rent increase letters early, as the Renting Homes (Wales) Act requires us to provide you with two months’ notice of any increase.  Letters should be going out in the post on 27th January. Published 23/01/2023