Category Archives: News/Events

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 27th of May 2021, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  There will be a short break at 11:00. This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect […]

ateb deliver WeCare bags

This month we delivered over 50 ateb WeCare bags to customers who had been nominated by friends, family or neighbours. The bags aim to help combat loneliness by providing activities to stimulate your mind, pass time productively and have a little bit of fun. In the bags were a variety of goodies, from puzzle books, adult colouring book, playing […]

Mutual exchanges restart

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to carry out Mutual Exchanges again following several months of disruption due to Covid-19. For already approved cases, moves will be organised in a phased and planned way to ensure the process is managed properly and safely. We have a backlog of cases to work […]

Chwarae Teg Women’s Career Development Programme a hit!

With the Women’s Career Development Programme led by Chwarae Teg underway we thought we would catch up with a few of our team to see how they were finding it.  The programme was developed as a direct response to a body of evidence showing there is a clear need for positive measures to be taken […]

Survey Results #20 Vulnerabilities & The Pandemic

With upwards of 306 survey responses, E2i can now share the contribution you made towards our questionnaire, Vulnerabilities & The Pandemic, helping us to focus on priority service improvements, with your views at the heart of that decision making – here are the results If it matters to you, it matters to us Updated 23/04/21

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 29th of April 2021, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect you & your communities, so that we can […]

Survey Planning Group

The next on-line Survey Planning Group session will be on Wednesday the 14th of April 2021, 10:00 – 11:00. We will look at the results of the Practical Support Expectations survey and we’ll set up the next survey, Individual Experience, which will run throughout May & June. We will also be pulling the £100 prize […]

What is it like living in an ateb home?

Today we have launched a new name to describe our accommodation designed for our older customers – Independent Living. Our customers told us that ‘Sheltered Housing’ felt old fashioned and reminded them of a time when a Scheme Warden was in charge and would tell them what to do. The new name represents what we […]

Help shape the future of our Community Alarm Service

This month we are asking customers to help shape the future of our Community Alarm Service. Please complete our short survey and help us create better living solutions for our customers. Do you know what a Community Alarm is? The Community Alarm Service provides an emergency response service 24 hours a day, 365 days a […]

What is it like living in an ateb home?

We have been working hard throughout the pandemic to support our customers and create better living solutions. One of our customers had been struggling due to the benefit cap and had built up significant arrears. As a result, her home environment also needed improvements to make it suitable for their family. Clayton one of our […]