Category Archives: News/Events

3,000 homes and counting…

This week ateb are delighted to have added another 3 properties under our management, taking us past 3,000 affordable to let homes across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion. ateb was founded in 1981 as Pembrokeshire Housing and changed its name to ateb in 2018 with the aspiration of further improving our existing services and creating better […]

ateb’s Welfare Team are still here to help.

ateb would like you to know that we are here to help where we can. Please call ateb’s Welfare Team if you have any concerns about your current circumstances however small it feels to you.  We can help you to connect with the right agencies or make it possible for you to get the food and […]

ateb Garden Competition 2021

Here it is! Our 2021 Gardening Competition Classes 1  Best Young Person’s Garden (Under 16 years old) 2  Best Eco-friendly / Wildlife Garden (Is your garden helping the environment in some way? EG use of water butts / bee or butterfly friendly / wormery / pollinators) 3  Most Improved Garden (You’ll need to show ‘before’ […]

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 25th of March 2021, at 10:00 and will last for about 2 hours.  This Forum is a group for all ateb customers, where you can meet other ateb customers, & staff & share information about subjects that effect you & your communities, so that we can […]

ateb team up with Chwarae Teg

It’s International Women’s Day and we are really pleased to be able to support 11 team members who will be attending a Women’s Career Development Programme run by Chwarae Teg.  Since 1992, Chwarae Teg have been working to ensure that woman in Wales can develop their skills and build their careers. This fully funded programme […]

ateb is 3 years old

ateb was launched 3 years ago with a vision to achieve more for the customers and communities it served. Over those 3 years we have made some positive steps to delivering on that statement from investing in millions of pounds home improvements, building new homes, investing in the teams that deliver our services and the […]

Rent and Service Charge update – 2021

Every year we review the cost of rent and service charges to our customers, making sure to follow Welsh Government guidance and taking affordability into consideration. We know the last 12 months have been particularly difficult for many and we recognise the impact of Covid-19 on our customers and have committed to keeping rent costs […]

Practical Support Expectations

Throughout February & March, ateb will be asking you to put forward your opinions on what type of practical help you need to live more independently. This is your chance to tell us how you feel. To take part, please click here There is also the opportunity for you to enter our £100 gift vouchers prize […]

New monthly online show launched – Ask ateb.

ateb have launched Ask ateb, a monthly online show answering the questions that matter to you. Each month our hosts Tom and Ali are joined by different members of an ateb team, and we ask them questions submitted by customers through Facebook or email. February features Karen, one of our Area Officer’s that specializes in […]

Did you know that as a customer of ateb you are

Did you know that as a customer of ateb you are automatically a member of TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) & are eligible to attend many TPAS events!  The events are currently online, due to COVID restrictions.  They provide customers with a fantastic opportunity to explore, share & talk about tenant & landlord topics.  […]