Category Archives: News/Events

ateb’s Community Alarm Service 

“Your independence when you want it, HELP when you need it” Do you live in an ateb property? Are you living alone? Do you have mobility issues, a medical condition or an impairment that could make you vulnerable or at high risk of falls? If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the above, then why […]

Engage 2 Improve – E2i Customer Forum

ateb’s Customer Forums are now on line, connecting with you through a platform called Teams.  ateb will help you to connect with us through Teams, please just ask, even if you don’t have equipment. The next Customer Forum will be on Friday the 30th of October at 10:00 and will last for about 1.5 hours.  […]

E2i Co-ordination Group Session

The next on-line Co-ordination Group session will be on Tuesday the 13th of October at 10:00 & will last for about half an hour. We will look at the Estates Management improvement actions, set in March 2020, and get staff updates on how things are working out. Please contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 […]

COVID 19 Service Update

The impact of Coivd-19 continues to be felt and there is unlikely to be an end to restrictions for some time meaning we need to prepare for how we deliver our services to you during the Autumn and Winter months. Click here to see the letter that has gone out to our tenants.

Survey of Tenants’ Views of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard

The Welsh Government is undertaking an evaluation of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS), which is an all-Wales standard for all homes that are let to tenants in social housing. As part of the evaluation of the standard, this survey explores the attitudes of social housing tenants and will contribute to how the future WHQS […]

e2i Customer Forum

We are now able to re-start another one of our customer groups: the e2i Customer Forum. This time online, running through a platform called Teams, it’s so easy to join us!  ateb will help you to connect with us, even if you don’t have equipment, please just ask.  The next Customer Forum will be on Thursday the 24th of […]

Repairs & Maintenance Service Update

Latest Update 09/08/2021 Our repairs service is operating as normal. There may be some delay as we clear the back log of previous non-urgent requests delayed due to COVID-19   Latest Update 05/07/2021 We have restarted non-urgent repairs. There may be some delay in completing these as we will still be prioritising emergencies and safety […]

Website Update

We have been busy updating our website to ensure as much content as possible is available in both Welsh and English.   It has been a huge piece of work and we would like to thank Sian and Heledd at Cyfiaith who undertook the translation work for us and the team at Bright Collie, particularly Rebecca, […]

Thank you treats!

Customers from our sheltered and extra care schemes received a pleasant surprise this week, when Scheme Managers, Scheme Coordinators and volunteers from the ateb Welfare Team delivered 246 boxes full of edible treats. We always put our customers at the heart of what we do, but we have had to do it differently during lockdown.  […]