Chwarae Teg Women’s Career Development Programme a hit!

With the Women’s Career Development Programme led by Chwarae Teg underway we thought we would catch up with a few of our team to see how they were finding it. 

The programme was developed as a direct response to a body of evidence showing there is a clear need for positive measures to be taken to support the progression of women in Wales.  National figures show that 8% of employed women in Wales are in management compared with 12% of men and they are underrepresented in key STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) industries, particularly in apprenticeships and management.

We are really pleased to hear that despite the challenges that on-line learning brings, our team are enjoying it.  New skills are being learnt, new connections being made, and participants are gaining an understanding of what they can achieve with appropriate support, encouragement and development opportunities.

A big thanks to Chwarae Teg for letting us know about this opportunity so that we could offer it to our team. Here are just a few of the comments we received from some of our team on the program:

“it has been very enlightening, both in terms of how others manage and some self-reflection for me” 

“I feel I can learn a lot about myself and leadership styles” 

“it is so out of my comfort zone and I haven’t done anything like this for over 30 years. I have learned not to be so hard on myself and that I can sit down and write 2,250 words”  

“I’m enjoying meeting new people, albeit virtually, and I’m gaining great insight about myself, how I work, areas for improvement, the need for feedback etc. etc.” 

“I would encourage others to do the course without hesitation”

A big well done to those taking part. In the words of Ayn Rand

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, It’s who is going to stop me.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the course then please check out the website

Published 22/04/2021