Congratulations to Jane and Paul, ateb’s first Rent to Own customers to purchase their home.

Rent to Own allowed you to rent your home and receive 25% of the rent paid over the duration of the tenancy and 50% of the increase in the property value (if any) during the period you have rented the property to use as a deposit towards purchasing the property.

Jane and Paul joined the scheme nearly four years ago and “literally watched these houses being built,” said Jane. “I went into the sales office to find out more information but at that time we didn’t have the deposit to buy anything. A little while later after ateb had bought these houses the women remembered me and rang me up and said give ateb a ring as they can help you with this new scheme”.

Paul Added “We were so lucky; without this help it would have taken much longer and would have been much harder to become homeowners”.

Jane said “It means so much to us to know we have a home we can call ours, a roof over our head that belongs to us. It also provides stability for Emily-Rose and Harri (children), we can now plan for the future, knowing what schools they can hopefully go to and that one day we can leave this to them”.

Mark, ateb’s Executive Director for Customer commented

“I am delighted for Paul, Jane, and the children. We want to create better living solutions for the people and communities of West Wales, and this includes when and where we can, offering low cost home ownership as another option to renting”.

The Rent to Own scheme has now closed but there are other buy a home schemes available. Visit to find out more.

Pictured: Angela from ateb’s Customer Support Team presenting the family with flowers and some chocolates.

Published: 20/04/2022