Cost of Living Support Payments: Have you had yours?

If you get benefits like Universal Credit or tax credits, you may have got some extra money recently – about £299. This is the last part of three cost of living payments the government said they would give in 2023/24.

They haven’t said if there will be more payments, but in April 2024, some benefits might go up by 6.7%.

Here’s a quick look at what you need to know about the latest extra money from the government:

When you get the money:

You should have got £299 between February 6 and February 22, 2024. This is part of a total of £900 they said they’d give for the year.

Who can get it:

If you get benefits like child tax credits, income support, or Universal Credit, you might get this extra money. Even if you didn’t get the earlier payments in 2022 or 2023, you could still qualify.

For people on Pension Credit:

If you’re old enough to get the state pension and can get Pension Credit, you can still ask for the £299 if you apply for Pension Credit before March 5, 2024.

Watch out for scams:

You should get this extra money without doing anything. Be careful about scams that ask for your personal or bank details. The real payment doesn’t need this information.

What if you didn’t get the money:

If you think you should have got the £299 and didn’t, you can use this online form on the government’s website to tell them. They’ll get back to you within two weeks.

If you have questions:

If you’re not sure if you qualify or have questions about the money, you can find more details on or call the right government helpline for your benefits.

Published: 28/02/2024