Customer Engagement 2023 – Is it working for you?

This is our Annual Engage Review, so you may recognise the questions from last year.  We do this so that we can compare results.

Here, we are briefly looking at whether our services still suit you and, if your answers tell us that they don’t, we will use your answers to make things better.

By completing this questionnaire, you will help us to see if we are meeting your needs.  If the survey shows that we are not, our aim is to change our ways to give you a better service.

A full report showing the results of this questionnaire will be available online in November 2023 on the e2i page.

Please take your time to complete this short questionnaire & do have a go at the £100 shopping voucher prize draw at the end.  We will be contacting the winner during the week of 18/09/23.

The survey will close on 31/08/23

regarding any aspect of this survey & its results, please feel free to contact Ali Evans: 01437 774766 / 07500 446611  [email protected]

Published: 26/07/2023