Deeds Not Words Pledge Banner

ateb signs pledge to end racial inequality in housing

We are pleased to announce that ateb have signed the Tai Pawb Deeds Not Words pledge to end racial inequality in housing.

Tai Pawb works to advance equality and social justice in housing in Wales and have been working with the housing sector to tackle race inequality.  The pledge consists of a number of actions which we will commit to taking in the next five years, these are:

  • Mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and other minority ethnic staff and communities.
  • Improve the ethnic diversity of board and staff at all levels
  • Communicate and engage
  • Develop an inclusive culture

This is part of a larger piece of work in which ateb will be developing goals and action plans, working with our Board to look at all aspects of diversity which support our DNA #AccessAllAreas and helps to create better living solutions for all.

We will be working closely with Tai Pawb to run a series of sessions to raise awareness of the Deeds not Words pledge and to run equality training for our teams.

If you would like to find out more about the pledge please click here

Published: 27/05/2022