Final handovers as ateb ‘let local’ in St David’s.

Yesterday we completed phase three and the final handovers of our new homes St Davids.

Swn y Mor consists of 38 affordable new homes for rent and was named after one of the RNLI lifeboats stationed in the city (1936 – 1963) and saved 108 lives.

A promise was given to the local community that when these new homes are first let, priority would be given to people who need a home from within the local community.

Our local letting scheme helped us deliver that promise, with 100% of the homes going to people living in, or with connections to St David’s, Solva and the Parish of Llanrhian.

We pride ourselves on working with the local community when planning our developments and can’t wait to start work on our next project.

Welcome to your new homes.

Published: 17/06/2022