Gardening Competition 2021 Results

Over 30 customers attended ateb’s annual Gardening Competition prize giving at Kensington Court last week (Thursday 12th August). 

The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze as customers shared gardening tips, enjoyed beautifully presented cream teas, made new friends and caught up with each other after many lost months. Certificates, National Garden Centre & Love2Shop vouchers were handed out to the hard-working winners, whose work was on display for all to admire.

ateb’s youngest winner was Madeline Massey who scooped the Best Child’s Garden Award and who also came second in the Best Vegetable Produce class with her row of apple trees.  Congratulations were also given to all, recognising the effort people had made in creating, nurturing & maintaining their outdoor areas, something ateb thinks very highly of.


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If you would like to enter ateb’s annual Gardening Competition in 2022, do start now – it’s never too early – with judges recognising the pre-planning, thought and design going into these creations, as much as the finished product.

2021 Winners
1 - Best Young Person’s Garden (Under 16 years old)
1st Madeline Massey (240 points)

2 - Best Eco-friendly / Wildlife Garden
1st Freddy & Vicky Garton (240 points)
2nd Tony Ellyatt (120 points)

3 - Most Improved Garden
1st Jess Massey (180 points)
2nd Netty Jones (80 points)
Joint 3rd Freddy & Vicky Garton (30 points)
Joint 3rd Declare Court Courtiers (30 points)

4 - Best Individual Garden (any age)
1st Netty Jones (150 points)
Joint 2nd Tony Ellyatt (90 points)
Joint 2nd Karen Sewell (90 points)
3rd Freddy & Vicky Garton (30 points)

5 - Best Edible Produce
1st Hanover Court (H/west) Tenants Association (240 points)
2nd Madeline Massey (120 points) 

6 - Most Innovative Use of SMALL SPACE
1st Dawn Gwilliam (240 points)
2nd Ann Evans (60 points)
3rd Iris and John (50 points)

8 - Best Communal/Shared Garden
1st Declare Court Courtiers (180 points)
2nd Bunty Irene Barclay & Sue Lane, Acorn Heights (130 points)
3rd Hanover Court (H/west) Tenants Association (80 points)

This year’s judges were: Bethan Elliott, Julie Edward, Jess James & Tomos Waters.
Published 16/08/2021