Getting Involved Through the Year

Getting Involved Through the Year – The point of getting involved is so that you can tell us your opinion on what it’s like to be an ateb tenant customer. From that information, we then work towards improving our services to you – simple as that.

You can be getting involved through the year in many different ways and you can dip in and out of things so that you never feel tied. Here are some of the things tenants come to:

The e2i Surveys & the Co-ordination Group Sessions

We reach out to hundreds of ateb customers every other month by running surveys and finding out what people feel about certain themes eg Planned Maintenance or our Repairs service. To see the full results of one of these surveys, click here. Following each survey, staff and tenants meet at Meyler House to discuss the findings and to plan action points from these findings. We also discuss feedback and things achieved from previous surveys’ action points and plan the next survey together.

We currently meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at ateb’s main office, Meyler House, Haverfordwest, SA61 1QP at 10:00, but please see the News & Events section of this site for any updates. If you would rather give your views electronically eg via Facebook, email or text you are very welcome to do so. Please contact Ali Evans 01437 774766/01437 763688/07500 446611/Facebook/[email protected]

If there is anything stopping you from attending or taking part in any ateb event in any way, such as childcare, language, transport, times, disability please get in touch with Ali who will help if possible: our aim is to include everyone who wants to be included.


Get involved with ateb

Pay Your Rent

Report a Repair

Request an Appointment

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