Happy New Year from ateb

Happy New Year from ateb!

A happy 2019 to all our customers and partners from the ateb team. In 2019 we will continue to improve our services and build new homes whilst trying to protect our corporate strength in changeable economic and political times. Find out more and read our strategic plan.

This year will see another 140 homes completed across Pembrokeshire for rent, rent to own, shared ownership and outright sale, we will also be planning new sites for future years. Click here to find out more about our current developments.

Our Engage Initiative has new themes for 2019 and is one of the many opportunities for you have to make a difference. The ateb tenant panel are working on a new agenda to reflect their ambitions for 2019 to engage more customers in its work and make more customer led improvements.

Universal Credit will impact more customers through 2019 so please access our support team to get help and advice on how it might affect you. To find out more about Universal Credit click here.

The Get Connected team will continue to support customer and communities to get online as in 2019 we are hoping to agree new investment in our IT and telephone systems to increase digital access to customer services.

Brexit is on our minds as the consequences of what happens could impact our business along with many others, so we will be watching and contingency planning for the 29th March as will the rest of the country. We had thought that the Renting Homes Act would be in place this year, but we now understand it could be delayed beyond 2019, more will be communicated on this nearer the time as it will change aspects of how we operate.

Please keep checking our web news items and social pages on the above and plenty more items throughout 2019.