Healthy ageing study having positive impact.

During COVID and immediately after, the Independent Living Team saw an increase in its customers at schemes falling in their homes. We wanted to be part of looking at how to be proactive to prevent falls and to ensure customer-maintained wellbeing by being active and independent.

In the summer of 2023 we reached out to Smplicare who were looking for volunteers to participate in a ground-breaking study. They set out to help shape our perspective on healthy ageing.

ateb was one of several UK organisations to take part and 9 of our customers enrolled to participate in the research.

As part of the study the customers had to wear a Fitbit or smart watch, weigh once a month on a SMART scale, which calculated health data on the customer and automatically sent this information to the research team.

They also completed questionnaires throughout the 6-month period reporting falls and other health issues.

The study collected incredibly detailed information such as step count, sleep data, hydration level, and bone density, alongside self-reported notes on daily activities through the research app.

Fast-forward to January 2024 and they have reached their goal of enrolling 300 study volunteers from across the UK, receiving health data from a variety of locations, ethnicities and age ranges.

Over 150 falls were reported on the research app so far, and the research team is working hard on the creation of a fall prevention algorithm that looks at the health metrics of those that have fallen leading up to the event (fall).

We all know too well the resulting consequences of having a fall. Smplicare “feel honoured to be trusted with each participant’s health information in the pursuit of developing a fall prevention resource”.

Our customers that enrolled have said they have experienced secondary outcomes from participating.

Val from Williams Court commented “I benefited from the research as I was able to monitor my heart condition on the Fitbit and learn how to self-manage it, meaning less G.P appointments.”

Sian from Williams Court added “it has increased my exercise levels as the step count on my smart watch motivates me to get up and go for a walk more than before”.

Dorian from Williams Court commented “being part of the research was fulfilling, as we are pioneers in health research to resolve life changing issues for the older generation”.

Gina, ateb’s Independent Living Coordinator who hosted and supported the customers and Smplicare to collaborate on the research added “It’s been great to see the impact of this study. The smart watches have made a difference to the way our residents have been looking at their own health along with encouraging extra fitness. It has also had a positive effect on their mental health, knowing they are contributing to an important study that could impact on millions of lives depending on the results and future technology developed from this study. Overall there have been lots of positives to our participation and we wouldn’t hesitate to be a part of further research in future.

Published 25/03/2024