Our Independent Living schemes look after a mixture of people, many of whom are older or have health vulnerabilities.
Please can we request that:
- Face coverings are worn in communal internal areas at all times.
- Visitors only visit your homes and you do not meet and use the communal areas.
- Visitors only visit the scheme if they feel well – remember Covid-19 has very similar symptoms to the common cold and we would recommend carrying out a Lateral Flow Test before visiting.
- You do not have large gatherings in your homes (as per Welsh Government guidance).

Pembrokeshire and Wales generally is experiencing high levels of Covid-19 community transmission at the moment and unfortunately this is having a direct impact on our teams, customers and partners. ateb has taken a cautious approach throughout the pandemic to minimise the risks and will continue to do so.
For the latest updates on our services please visit our Coronavirus Updates page here.
Thank you for your cooperation.